Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personality Is A Of A Coherent Picture Of An Individual

Personality is a branch of psychology that focuses on the construction of a coherent picture of an individual and his or her major psychological processes and the individual differences that make up a personality. Personality is defined as the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, and thinking patterns, that makes a person different from other people (Miriam-Webster 2014). Sigmund Freud was among the first to delve deeper into the human minds. By observing patients with nervous disorders, he concluded that beneath conscious awareness is a larger unconscious mind which was full of largely unacceptable thoughts, feelings, wishes and memories. Freud believed that these troublesome feelings and ideas subconsciously influence our decisions. He also believed human personality is a conflict between our aggressive-pleasure seeking biological urges and our internalized control over these urges. Through his studies, Feud deduced that childhood reactions subconsciously affected an indiv idual’s life through the decisions they made as an adult (Freud 1961). Modern research, however, contradicts most of Freud’s theories. Today’s developmental psychologists see development as a lifelong endeavor, not just fixated in childhood (Meyers, 2014, p. 430). In the 1960’s, psychologists such as Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers focused on the ways that â€Å"healthy† people behaved and reacted, as compared to Freud’s studies of â€Å"sick† people. Maslow and Rogers, who were deemed humanisticShow MoreRelatedDefense Of Masks By Kenneth Gergen912 Words   |  4 PagesWhat are masks? One usually thinks it is an object the individual puts on and takes off. When given the thought, one makes the comparison that masks are used to describe our personalities. 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